Surprising Health Benefits of Coffee

Everyone loves coffee. Before adding any cream or sweeteners, it’s a delicious beverage that has close to zero calories. But in addition to being a calorie-free way to perk up, it also carries some surprising health perks.

Coffee May Decrease Your Risk of Skin Cancer

A recent study observed that many coffee drinkers were 20% less likely to develop melanoma. The study reported in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute looked at caffeinated coffee and the findings were for people who drank at least four cups per day. Still, researchers stress the importance of preventing skin cancer by applying a daily broad-spectrum sunscreen.

Coffee May Decrease Type-2 Diabetes Risk

There exists a lot of evidence that drinking coffee may decrease the risk of type 2 diabetes, but a resent study suggests changing your coffee consumption habits can also have an effect. The study looked at caffeinated coffee consumption over a four-year period. People who increased their habit by more than one cup per day had an 11% lower risk of type-2 diabetes. People who decreased their habit by more than one cup per day actually increased their risk by 17%. Just remember to watch the cream and sugar.

Coffee May Protect Against Parkinson’s Disease

Studies have found that caffeinated coffee drinkers tend to have a lower risk of developing Parkinson’s disease (PD). Experts are now exploring whether your genes play a role. A landmark study in this area found that on average, coffee drinkers had a 27% lower risk of PD. And heavy coffee drinkers with a certain gene variant had a whopping 59% lower risk. This has exciting implications for treating the disease and tailoring treatment to your genetic makeup.

Coffee Can Be Good for Your Liver

Certain studies suggest moderate consumption—about three cups a day—protects against liver disease. Coffee seems to improve liver function tests, reduce the risk of liver cancer, and reduce the risk of alcoholic and nonalcoholic cirrhosis. Coffee may also enhance treatment for hepatitis C and help prevent fatty liver disease. Along with caffeine, coffee contains numerous antioxidants that scientists think might play a role in protecting the liver.

Coffee May Lower Your Risk of Depression and Suicidal Thoughts

Moderate coffee consumption—about 2 to 3 cups—may also benefit your mental health. Harvard researchers found that men and women who drank coffee had a 50% lower risk of suicide. Scientists see caffeine as having a positive effect on brain chemicals that play a role in depression. Boosting levels of serotonin, dopamine and noradrenaline may have a mild antidepressant effect in coffee drinkers. If you’re depressed, stick with your treatment and don’t try to replace it with coffee.

Coffee May Reduce Stroke Risk

In general, results of coffee’s effect on stroke risk have been inconsistent. But a couple of recent studies show a positive effect of moderate coffee consumption on stroke risk. One study found that female coffee drinkers had a 25% lower risk of stroke compared to non-drinkers. And a large Japanese study found that coffee consumption reduced the risk of stroke for men and women in the general population.

Coffee May Be Good for Your Heart

Drinking coffee on a regular basis may reduce your risk of high blood pressure and help control heart disease, heart failure, and arrhythmias. In fact, coffee drinkers may even have a reduced risk of dying from a cardiovascular event. But keep in mind caffeine does have the ability to raise blood pressure, which is a risk factor for heart disease. If you drink coffee and are having trouble controlling your blood pressure, try cutting back on your coffee to see if it helps.

Coffee May Reduce Your Risk of Cancer

Coffee’s effect on cancer risk varies. It most likely lowers the risk of liver cancer and endometrial cancer, and may lower the risk of colorectal cancer. There may be no association at all for other cancers, such as breast, kidney, pancreatic, ovarian, prostate and digestive cancers. However, the same study that found no increase in deaths from certain cardiovascular diseases also found no increase in cancer deaths in coffee drinkers.


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